PGP - Je ne chiffre plus les emails

Public key cryptography1 - xkcd Contexte [Spoiler]: Avant que le communauté des utilisateurs irréductibles de PGP2 ne me saute dessus à bras raccourcis, laissez-moi vous donner quelques éléments de contexte. J’utilise le chiffrement PGP depuis bientôt 20 ans, une des rares solutions qui permettait de se soustraire à la curiosité envahissante de nos amis Chinois quand j’habitais en Chine. C’est à la même période d’ailleurs et pour des raisons similaires que j’abandonne Windows3 et bascule mon environnement de travail sous Linux. ...

December 11, 2024 · 7 min · Olivier Falcoz

My Privacy Tools

Image credit: “Lets leave planet GAFAM NATU BATX” by David Revoy for Framasoft − CC-BY 4.0 Why Privacy & Security Matter This is a fairly old topic - bu Internet standards and some very good people have already written a lot about it, so it is now very well documented. Here are some of the most famous quotes: ...

April 16, 2024 · 11 min · Olivier Falcoz

Sign the web0 manifesto

## web0 is the decentralised web ## web3 = **decentralization** + blockchain + NFTs + metaverse web0 = **decentralization** - blockchain - NFTs - metaverse web0 = **decentralization** In other words, web0 is web3 without all the corporate right-libertarian Silicon Valley bullshit – Aral Balkan1 Head over here and sign the web0 Manifesto. This will probably not change the world overnight but let these different voices be heard. Thank you. ...

December 28, 2022 · 1 min · Olivier Falcoz

A HTTP 404 by Peugeot

Nice pun Mailfence: the Peugeot 404, the first car I remember as a child. With red leather seats. What a beauty.

November 9, 2017 · 1 min · Olivier Falcoz

Robots are the future, aren't they?

– Cover of The New Yorker, Oct. 23 2017

October 16, 2017 · 1 min · Olivier Falcoz

The economics of warfare have changed

All wars are won or lost due to either side’s ability to secure supply lines, logistics, transportation, provisions, military hardware, and communications. And the ability to pay for all of them. Just as any business which can’t finance its plans goes belly up so, too, does any army. Now, imagine an army with the ability to decentralise all of these elements. This army is actually technologically and economically backward. This doesn’t sound threatening until you realise that: ...

June 13, 2017 · 1 min · Olivier Falcoz

Every non-free program is an injustice

Free software is software that respects users’ freedom and community. It’s not about price. It’s libre, not gratis. With any program, there are two possibilities: either the users control the program, or the program controls the users. When the users control the program, that’s free software—they control the things they do with it, and thus it respects their freedom and their community. If they don’t have full control over it, then it’s user-subjugating, non-free proprietary software—the program controls the users, and the program’s owners control the program, so it becomes an instrument of unjust power for the owner over the users. ...

March 8, 2017 · 1 min · Olivier Falcoz