Hi there,
My name is Olivier Falcoz. I am a random French-speaking bloke who goes by the online persona of 9x0rg. You may have met me under the nicknames elpanzer or panz’ in the past.
I’m a Infosec & risk management professional at day, formerly based in the Asia-Pacific region and now impatriated in Provence.
During my years in Asia, I’ve been one of the maintainers of two MTB-related websites; KLMBH an association that preserves the tradition of the running Hash1 but on a mountain bike and TRAKS, a trail conservancy NGO of Malaysia. So you will probably find a lot of cross-posts here from these two groups of fine folks.
I ride mountain bikes. Specifically, a big, rugged enduro mountain bike. Don’t expect to see me on a roadie thinguy but rather on a (too steep) a slope trying to follow my front wheel at (too high) speed2.
Incidentally, in 2013 I co-organized the first Enduro Asia MTB race in Malaysia, supported by Red Bull, with the proud ambition of launching afterwards the Asian (Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia) chapter of the Enduro World Series, no less. It didn’t happen. I guess we were a bit ahead of ourselves. Nice experience though.
This blog is a loose collection (en vrac in French) of posts, started sometime around 2008 that I am still in the process of migrating from another platform.
I use it myself to bookmark events of interest and sometimes to express my own opinions or ideas and a few rants of course, about infosec & data privacy, tech, mountain biking, All Things Asian including politics and #TGIF for anything else that doesn’t fit anywhere else..
Most of the content is published in what can probably be described as half-baked English language or sometimes in French. Feel free to browse through the posts by categories which I just try to organize in relevant topics or use the archives or the search feature.
My first PC as a kid was a Commodore I think, quickly followed by an Apple IIe. This, I believe makes me an honorary member of the #TeamOld.
Data Privacy advocate and strong supporter of free/libre/open-source software3 I use Linux - GNU/Linux for the purists, on all computers since 2006 and all things Microsoft are forbidden in the house.
Arch Linux has been my daily driver since 2015 and the couple of servers I maintain with the help of Yunohost run Debian. Oh, my phone is of course ungoogled.
This site has been hosted on various domain names over the years, first on WordPress, then on Tumblr when it was cool. I somehow abandoned it from 2018 onwards and only recently decided to revive it.
My website is now static, contains no tracker, no cookies and runs on Hugo. The Wondermod theme is provided by the fine folks at WonderFall.
Contact me through Matrix4 at @olivier:envs.net.
The privacy policy for the envs.net homeserver is available at this page.
Find me on Mastodon at @9x0rg@mamot.fr
OMEMO5 fingerprints
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Git forge
x0rg |at| 9x0rg d0t com
GPG key ed25519/0xCAAD364477DA43C8
GPG Key fingerprint
26BC C458 2D54 0A23 FE24 0C27 CAAD 3644 77DA 43C8
The Hash House Harriers (Wikipedia) ↩︎
No trees were injured ever in the making of these countless stunts on two wheels. ↩︎
See Free and open-source software (Wikipedia) ↩︎
Matrix is a networking protocol for real-time communication ↩︎